At Sustainable Warwick: ‘We encourage everyone to dig into gardening’

| 25 Apr 2021 | 04:46

At Sustainable Warwick, we are concerned about many global challenges, including: food shortages, climate change, soil degradation, fertilizer runoffs, declining food production and handling skills, and the epidemic of nature deficit disorder. In the face of these problems, we encourage everyone to dig into gardening.

Gardeners grow great food. When gardening is done right, it reduces agricultural emissions while building and enriching soils. It also represents an opportunity for overbusy modern citizens to develop earthy skills and strengthen their connections with nature.

For the last year, Sustainable Warwick has collaborated with Grow Local Greenwood Lake to host the Zoom Garden Plot, a biweekly discussion of hyperlocal gardening. Participants include beginner gardeners with lots of questions and experienced gardeners with interesting answers. The sessions, which are held the second and fourth Monday evening of every month, are both fun and informative.

New participants are welcome to join us. Email to get a meeting invite.

In addition to co-hosting the Zoom Garden Plot, Sustainable Warwick is also supporting the new Grow Local Greenwood Lake Common Ground Community Garden, which is located at 13 Poplar Street in Greenwood Lake on a plot provided by the Village of Greenwood Lake.

The new garden is converting an empty grass lot into a productive garden that will provide freshly grown organic produce for participants and for the food pantry in Greenwood Lake. Moreover, the garden provides an excellent opportunity for beginners to absorb new skills from experienced gardening hands.

Recognizing this shining opportunity for our community, on April 19, 2021, Sustainable Warwick donated $1,000 to Grow Local Greenwood Local to help pay for a garden fence.

“We are grateful to the Village of Greenwood Lake and all the members of Grow Local Greenwood Lake for their contributions to this new community garden,” said Michael Helme, SW Steering Committee member, “and we’re delighted to be able to contribute these funds to help out.”

At Sustainable Warwick, there is no expectation that the community garden and local gardens will solve all of the world’s problems. But these efforts are headed in the right direction - doing the right thing while building community and promoting public health. Please join us in supporting this work.

Michael Helme on behalf of the Sustainable Warwick Steering Committee