Supporting Barlet for re-election
| 28 Sep 2011 | 03:01
To the editor: On Nov. 8, I am casting my vote to re-elect Peter Barlet as Warwick Town Justice. If I had to pick one reason above all others for making this choice, it would be the example that Justice Barlet sets in the courtroom. He takes the time to listen and he is courteous to all. He is knowledgeable about the law and explains his decisions. Most importantly, the decisions Justice Barlet’s makes attempt to be fair to all. Given the above, it is no wonder Justice Barlet was chosen by his peers as director of the New York State Magistrates Association. Luckily for us, he is working for all of us in the Warwick community. Please join with me in keeping him on the job. Kathleen Rotondelli Warwick