Support for Farina and Bulnes

| 28 Sep 2011 | 03:01

    To the editor: I endorse Judge Richard Farina for Warwick Town Judge and Denise Bulnes for Town Clerk. Judge Farina is my choice for Warwick town judge because he is nonpolitical and dedicated. Judge Farina is retired from many years of law clerking, teaching law to new Justices and holding judgeships. He is currently the Warwick village judge. He will devote himself full time to the position of town judge, offering flexible hours to meet the needs of the people of Warwick. I support Denise Bulnes for town clerk because she represents a choice for change. Bulnes has a proven record in the requirements needed to be town clerk: a strong background in accounting, budget control, tax management, auditing, and office management and administration. Also Bulnes and her husband have given much to Warwick through their untiring efforts of service to community, schools and sports. Join me on Nov. 8 in voting for two highly qualified candidates, Judge Farina for town judge and Denise Bulnes for town clerk. Sincerely, Griffis Fassett Warwick