Public visioning meeting slated for Dec. 7 on possible uses for prison

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:28

The Mid Orange Advisory Committee will host an open-forum visioning meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 7, to get community input on potential uses for the Mid-Orange Correctional site. The meeting will be held in the Middle School Cafeteria from 7 to 9:30 p.m. All are welcome. The Committee, a group of 16 volunteers appointed by the Warwick Town Board, has been asked by the Town Board to analyze the options for the site and to make recommendations for ways to develop the site that so that it will ensure long-term job possibilities for the community that fit in with Warwick’s overall strategic plan and zoning. As a critical part of this process, the Committee is requesting ideas from the community as a whole. At the meeting, there will be an overview presentation on the current status of the site and the decision-making process. The meeting will then break down into smaller “visioning” groups to enlist any and all ideas for the site from the public. Ideas will be presented to the Committee for their consideration and the next steps in the process will be given. With more than 700 acres and 90 buildings, the Mid-Orange site is large and diverse and holds many possibilities for the Town of Warwick and its surroundings. The Committee is encouraging all members of the community to be a part of this very important task. Mike Dunleavy, on behalf of the Town of Warwick’s Mid-Orange Correctional Advisory Committee