
| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:45

    We’d like to thank everyone who has so faithfully donated their gently used clothing and household items to the Christ Church Thrift Shop this past year. Our donations are down, obviously due to the fact that the economy is suffering, and people are not shopping for new clothes as much as in the past. They are holding on to their current wardrobes, and sharing them with their friends and neighbors, all of which is good. Household goods flow into our shop after someone sells their house and starts making decisions as to what to keep and what not to keep. Real estate sales are few and far between, hence very few household goods come in. This is just a gentle reminder that we are still open, and donation hours are on Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to noon. Again, we only have room to display mostly seasonal items, so we most appreciate summer clothes right now. If you could hold on to your beautiful winter items until October, it would be appreciated. This week, a gentleman came into the shop looking for a sports coat and pants, as he was attending a funeral and didn’t have the appropriate clothing. He left, looking splendid in a Lord & Taylor blue blazer and tan Tommy Hilfinger slacks, all of which fit him perfectly. So, whoever gave us these items, know that they have moved along beautifully to the next proud owner. This is the joy of this outreach program. It happens time and again and is the motivator behind why our volunteers work so hard to keep the shop beautiful, low cost and a happy, happy place to shop. Sally Mitchell Co-chairperson Christ Church Thrift Shop Warwick