Michael Sweeton has 'proven his leadership'

| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:17

    As I write this letter, it is the day after the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Our generation has forever been changed as well as those that follow. Many thoughts cross my mind today and every day as I think about “our future.” Top of mind as a parent and citizen of our community and country is leadership. As we approach the next election cycle, and every election cycle, if no other lesson has been learned - we all must know that we need strong, active, proven leadership to navigate the fiscal, bureaucratic and community issues that confront us each day on a national and local level. On the local level, please accept this letter of support for Michael Sweeton as he will once again run for Warwick Town Supervisor. Mr. Sweeton has time and again proven his leadership as businessman, community member and most importantly as our supervisor for the past nine years. Our community has seen well-managed growth and we have been able to balance the recent economic challenges at the same time under his leadership. My husband and I have been fortunate to know Michael Sweeton personally for nearly 20 years. Upon arrival in Warwick, as we were building our business, he was a wonderful support and resource for us. Now he is once again offering his resources for all of us and the town of Warwick. Please support Michael Sweeton for Warwick Town Supervisor. Sincerely, Karen Pinkham Warwick