'Yesterdays is a well-run, classy establishment'

| 19 Jun 2017 | 04:47

    As residents of the Village of Warwick, owners of a small business on Main Street and as neighbors who used to live in close proximity to Yesterdays Irish Pub, we write this letter in support of Yesterdays relocation in the village.
    Yesterdays is not your average Irish pub and restaurant. For more than 32 years, it has been a pillar of the community and an institution on Main Street. Its patrons are good, well-mannered, hard-working Warwickians who enjoy the excellent food and pleasant, welcoming atmosphere.
    John and Peggy direct assiduous care, effort and attention into everything at Yesterdays. From the layout of the tables, to the food, beverages, ambiance, and flow of customers, John and Peggy ensure that Yesterdays is a well-run, classy establishment.
    They are also tremendous neighbors.
    In an age when many people go about their business without caring for others, we have observed John and Peggy quietly (and without recognition) help many people over the years. Whether it’s letting someone who got locked out of their house use their phone or providing delicious food and drink to those without power during a storm—John and Peggy have quietly exemplified the Golden Rule and help make Warwick the unique village that it is.
    We are confident that John and Peggy will continue to invest the same attention into the new location and will continue to be an impeccable neighbor and asset to their location.
    It is a shame that some people are conflating problems stemming from other establishments and falsely attributing them to Yesterdays.
    Michael and Emily Welch