With thanks from my heart

| 25 Aug 2017 | 02:07

    On August 24th, at the Twentieth Annual Ladies’ Night Out sponsored by the Village of Warwick Merchants Guild, I was crowned Queen for a Day.
    In his remarks at the ceremony, Mayor Michael Newhard, ever gracious, said I was being recognized for generous spirit, caring heart and selfless nature.
    Little did I know I merit such praise.
    I am writing to express my heartfelt thanks to friend Mary Ellen Schmick, who nominated me, and to the committee, chaired by Corrine Iurato, whose members selected me for the honor.
    Thanks, also, to good friend Adele Singer, who was my escort for the evening and to Mayor Newhard for his kind words.
    Special thanks to my husband Glenn, with whom I partner (with pleasure!) on all of the good causes we support together in the community.
    Thanks, finally, to the merchants and others who contributed all of the gifts I received.
    The weather was perfect—clear skies and temperature cool enough to be bracing for August.
    The ladies were out in force having a good time.
    I was flattered by the attention and lavish basket of gifts. It was a lovely evening and a lot of fun.
    Thank you to all.
    Susan D. Dickes