Vote for Elizabeth Cassidy

| 10 Oct 2023 | 02:06

    We have a local election coming up. There’s nothing sexy about it, nothing to make you say “OMG I MUST VOTE!” We Democrats here in Warwick sadly could not find candidates to run for office. Oh we tried. We asked extremely qualified people to run. All turned us down. Except one. Elizabeth Cassidy said yes to running for the least sexy job of them all, town justice. And run, she has. Elizabeth is supremely qualified for this position. She is the attorney for the village of Florida, served as president of the Warwick Chamber of Commerce, and runs a successful private practice in Warwick. She is steady, and her ethics and professionalism have won her support and respect from both sides of the aisle. She comports herself with dignity and honor. She will be an exemplary justice for our town, and I urge you to support her. Vote for Elizabeth Cassidy for Warwick Town Justice on November 7.

    Susan McDonald
