Thanks from the Greenwood Lake Food Pantry

| 30 Nov 2017 | 06:02

    The Greenwood Lake Food Pantry would like to thank all the individuals and organizations who came forward to assist us in creating and distributing food baskets for Thanksgiving.
    We were able to distribute more than 70 baskets of turkey and all the trimmings to families in Greenwood Lake, enabling them to have a traditional and delicious meal on Thanksgiving.
    We have so many generous benefactors; I hope I don’t miss any:
    • Special thanks to the Friends of Jesse Dwyer, the Greenwood Lake Elks Club and Bill Cerone for their fund raiser that was held on Friday, Nov. 24. We received a very generous financial donation as well as multiple bags of food and turkeys.
    • The American Legion Post 488 of Monroe brought us a truckload of canned and packaged food as well as turkeys.
    • The Greenwood Lake Chamber of Commerce donated turkeys and the local Cub Scouts were a huge help on the day we distributed the food. They were very eager to assist and carried many loads of food and turkeys to our patron’s cars.
    • Also, Tuxedo High School National Honor Society and the Junior National Honor Society held a food drive and donated all to our pantry.
    • ShopRite of Warwick pitched in with free turkeys as well.
    • And then there are the wonderful residents of Greenwood Lake who stopped by and dropped off turkeys, food and toiletries.
    We have a terrific community here and are very grateful for all their support. And of course all the volunteers at the Pantry; we couldn’t do any of this without their dedication.
    Brenda Pender, Sandy Holz and “Santa Bob” do a fabulous job of coordinating the Angel Tree in the Post Office. They spend many hours setting up the tree, organizing and gathering the gifts and distributing them to our local families.
    Going forward, we anticipate creating and handing out an additional 80 baskets for Christmas/Hanukkah celebrations. In total 150 baskets – that is amazing.
    We are truly blessed here in Greenwood Lake. Thanks to everyone who reached out to help us; apologies to anyone that we may have missed.
    Barbara Juby, president
    Greenwood Lake Food Pantry