Support for Biden

| 10 Oct 2023 | 02:22

    Those of us who see a second presidential term for Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, need to focus on his defeat, and not on Joe Biden’s age.

    Biden is not a young man, but he is still an effective leader. Here at home he has managed to get legislation passed in a divided Congress that increases jobs, improves infrastructure, lowers health care costs, addresses climate change and increases gun safety. Internationally, he has restored our NATO alliances, and has represented our country as a protector of democracy. He also has an experienced team of cabinet officers and advisors, who assist him in those endeavors.

    A health crisis can occur at any age, but who could have predicted that Reagan would have the start of Alzheimer’s before his term ended, or that JFK would be assassinated at such a young age?

    Concerns about age, don’t compare to the fear of electing a leader, who doesn’t respect the rule of law or the Constitution. Voters who recognize the dangers of another Trump presidency, need to put their full support behind Joe Biden for a second term.

    Dorothy Kelly
