Simply the wrong location
To people who occasionally visit Warwick to visit Yesterday's Restaurant in the current location of Main Street:
The Main Street location contains the sounds made from a loud restaurant, people partying, drinking, loud music, parking, etc.
The location on Elm Street in residential area will not contain all those sounds and accommodate parking and traffic dangers for those who live by that location.
The people who live in the village, and will live right next to where the proposed Elm Street location for Yesterday's may be built, you don’t understand what it will be like for people who live next door to that, or even a few blocks away (like I do) on a daily basis.
I am about 1 block away from West Street by the Gym Church. I hear the Railroad Green activities, Halligan's Restaurant. I hear activity from Elm and West streets. Even though my house does not line the boundaries of the proposed Elm Street location for Yesterday's, I will hear it until 2 a.m. daily.
The proposed size of the building Yesterday's wants (large with outdoor decks) will be face to face with the people who walk out their back doors, and their property values will dive down.
Who wants to buy a house when their back door pushes their face into an outdoor restaurant/bar? Can you imagine being in your own yard, with that in your face?
It’s not just coming face to face with the visuals, but the music and party sounds that will be going on until 2 a.m. daily. The traffic on those small streets will create danger for locals and visitors. I know that I will be hearing that party sound, cars, all that stuff until the late night hours daily.
There are local people who will suffer greatly from this proposed location. And it’s not just the local residents who loose, but the charm of keeping our village charming.
God forbid, if this establishment is created, and changes hands, the next owner may decide to make it an even more loud type of entertainment location. The volume of traffic to accommodate the number of people there is too dangerous for locals and visitors. These are small village streets.
Yesterday's should choose a better location that would accommodate all people that live in all locations. I have enjoyed Yesterdays on Main Street. But it’s the location Mr. C is choosing is all wrong.
Rosanne Andreas