Responsive, but vigilance still needed at Cascade Lake Park

| 29 Nov 2021 | 02:43

    I write to publicly thank the Town of Warwick and especially its Department of Public Works.

    After the Town learned of the broken park bench, it promptly took, repaired and returned it just in time for the Thanksgiving weekend when so many families come to walk off those extra calories.

    The Town also provided wood chips and stone so that volunteers could work on repairing the trails.

    Over the past week, volunteers logged more than 25 hours of trail maintenance. A super big thanks to all who helped.

    While the volunteers worked last Friday, more than seven ATVs were observed illegally riding in the park. Some churned donut holes in front of the volunteers; others drove right through the volunteers as they worked; one almost ran over a child walking with his family.

    Less than 48 hours later, an illegal ATV drove figure eights in the middle of the new repairs and over top of the “trail maintenance in progress” signs.

    Despite this destructive misconduct, the volunteers (with the help of our Town DPW) remain committed to restoring Cascade Lake Park for its safe use and enjoyment by all.

    Any one interested in helping can reach out to me at

    Thank you for reading.

    Deborah Young
