Letter to the Editor: About ‘we’ being lost...

| 22 May 2023 | 05:12

    Public sentiment denounces the deep division among our governmental representatives even though those same representatives cater to those who financed and elected them.

    In my humble opinion, there is one overriding concept that trumps all others: The idea was to form a Democratic Republic as a break from a monarchy. The kernel of the idea was put forth by our founding fathers in the form of a Constitution. And the imperfections were worked out along the way with the Bill Of Rights and 17 further amendments, not to mention a civil war.

    Not all imperfections have been worked out, however the total destruction of the founding father’s intent would be a cancellation of a Republic and a reversion back to a substitute for a monarchy which today is an authoritarian leadership supported by an extreme minority. The test this oldest democracy now faces is to preserve and improve upon itself and not succumb to the powers attempting to show that our experiment will not work. Those powers are foreign and domestic. There can be no compromise of “we” unless the above mentioned goal is followed by all sides.

    Gerard Freisinger
