It's an exciting time for Democrats in Orange County

| 02 Nov 2017 | 02:19

    To the Editor:
    It is an exciting time for Democrats in Orange County. We have an incredible slate of Democratic candidates, and a voter registration edge with which to elect them. This is our chance to effect true change in our County; to throw the repressive mantle of years of Republican domination off our shoulders.
    Here in Warwick, Patricia McMillan is the clear choice for County Legislator in District 3. A businesswoman & CPA, Patricia will bring fiscal responsibility which benefits her constituents rather than corporate donors. She stands for our farmers, to ensure our agriculture remains a strong driver in our economic future, while recognizing that smart, ethical business development benefits us all.
    Countywide, we have a choice in who will lead us. Pat Davis, a graduate of West Point & Wharton, with a background in finance; a combat vet who saw 2 tours in Iraq, has all the necessary qualities to lead us to a brighter future where all our voices are heard. Deborah Mulqueen, who has served the county honorably and faithfully her entire career, is ready to step into leadership as County Clerk. Her courage in running against her own supervisor is to be commended.
    Michael Isgur will make a fine District Attorney. Twenty years of criminal justice experience results in his commitment to make sure our justice system treats every one fairly no matter what our backgrounds are.
    Local elected officials have the most immediate and direct impact on our lives. If current officials have little to no accomplishments on behalf of their constituents or worse, have pushed policies that hurt us, then they need to be replaced with people who do intend to look out for us. Vote Row A on Nov. 7.
    Susan McDonald