I appeal to the Governor

| 02 Nov 2017 | 02:23

    When I moved two years ago from my Manhattan brownstone to Warwick, one of the pleasures I anticipated was the clean country air.
    My apartment on the parlor floor often filled with vehicle exhaust - a major problem, causing me repeated upper respiratory problems.
    I am retired, in my 70’s, and realized my age would expose me to more illnesses if I remained.
    On moving in to my new home in Warwick, I was appalled to find that a fracked gas power plant (CPV) was to operate 11 miles away, spewing methane and noxious particulates that can cause acute pulmonary injury and more for miles around.
    Pipelines carrying poisonous gas through farms and wetlands threaten our water supply. I researched: energy demand has been declining in the area, and more power is not needed.
    So why is it CPV there?
    This 30-acre, ugly, unnecessary polluter in Wawayanda was built based on highly questionable permits: high officials of both the state and CPV have been indicted for corruption and more.
    One permit has been denied by the State Department of Environmental Conservation, but a federal agency is trying to quash that on a technicality.
    I am too exhausted to think of selling this house and moving again. I don’t know what to do.
    I appeal to the Governor and other state officials to bar the operation of CPV’s plant as disastrous for the health and welfare of the people of the county and beyond.
    Valerie Lucznikowska