Goal and mission: 'A dedicated VFW Post 4662 outreach program'
It is with thankfulness and pride that the local VFW and auxiliary members submit these comments to the Greater Warwick community.
Beginning with our “Salute to Veterans" on this Memorial Day through July 7, 2017, the entire Post, with significant assistance from the Warwick Historical Society and equally as important, and necessary, all the veterans' families and friends of veterans who loaned and/or donated items made all of this happen.
Thank you to the American Legion for supporting the exhibit and the citizens, our friends and neighbors of the Greater Warwick community for visiting the exhibit.
We were humbled, proud, astounded at the response. Our estimates are that several hundred people came to the Buckbee Center.
What an amazing gift from our friends to “Welcome the Veterans” home.
We hope to make this tribute an annual event, in order to demonstrate our respect to all that have serve and those who continue to serve.
In order to do so we need our community to assist us in locating a permanent site in Warwick to house the memorabilia in order for our community and our children will bear witness in bringing awareness for the need of supporting veterans' causes, veterans' rehabilitation and veterans' families.
This is our goal and our mission: A “Dedicated VFW Post 4662 Outreach Program."
We had many volunteers, spearheaded by the VFW Post 4662 Auxiliary, who directed the event. We also thank the many businesses and personal donors for their monetary contributions, materials and labor who made the displays accessible to as many visitors as possible.
Several of the local dignitaries and officials, specifically Mayor Michael Newhard, Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton, Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus and Warwick Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Michael Johndrow attended on repeated occasions to honor our veterans. All made significantly outstanding comments and presentations to all the citizens who they so ably represent.
To this end we extend a most sincere thank you to all. It is our turn to never forget each and every one of you.
From the officers and members of Warwick Valley VFW Post 4662 and Auxiliary