Cassidy for Warwick Town Justice

| 23 Oct 2023 | 04:13

    I am a lifelong Warwickian and have always taken my vote very seriously. I do not care what party a candidate is affiliated with and have always based my vote on the individual and their qualifications. This November, in the only contested local election, I will be voting for Elizabeth Cassidy for Warwick Town Justice. I first met Elizabeth over five years ago when she represented me in a real estate transaction. There is no doubt that she has the legal expertise and qualifications to do the job with nearly 15 years practicing law locally for both municipal and private clients. Her commitment to her profession is demonstrated through her years of service in the Women’s Bar Association of Orange and Sullivan counties. She has pledged to run the court with impartiality, fairness, and efficiency. But more than that she has already shown her dedication and concern for Warwick through her community service over the last decade or more. Her involvement with the Warwick Chamber of Commerce, Warwick Little League and Warwick Playground Dreams shows me that Warwick is in her heart.

    I know that Elizabeth will make an outstanding town justice and hope you will join me in casting your vote for her this election day.

    Cathy Conklin
