Cassidy for town justice

| 27 Oct 2023 | 02:58

    Having lived and practiced law in Warwick for almost a decade now, it has been my pleasure getting to know the talented and robust legal community that calls Warwick home. When picking a new town justice, Warwick needs someone who is experienced, fair, and possesses an excellent judicial temperament. As one of my favorite law school professors at Notre Dame used to quip, “Judges don’t solve problems, they decide cases.” That is the job of a Warwick town justice, specifically in the domain of civil small claims matters, landlord/tenant actions, and criminal misdemeanors and traffic infractions that occur within the town.

    In my opinion, Elizabeth Cassidy is the best candidate for the job. I have known Elizabeth for almost my whole time in Warwick. In my legal practice, I have had the privilege of both being on the same side of a matter as Elizabeth, as well as being on the opposing side of a matter. I find Elizabeth to be fair, thoughtful, decisive, knowledgeable, practical, and rigorous in her application of the law. She will decide cases in a fair, just, and impartial way.

    Without any reservation, I enthusiastically endorse Elizabeth Cassidy and encourage everyone to vote for her for town justice on November 7.

    Michael C. Welch
