
| 30 Mar 2021 | 01:08

    I am truly baffled by the response of our Village Boards and by the criticism of those who don’t understand why the residents who live on Van Buren Street or West Street object to the new location of Yesterdays, a restaurant/bar with 3,600 square feet in floor space.

    If you haven’t done so, please take a walk up or down Van Buren Street and see for yourself.

    We do not object to the project, just the location. There is plenty of space on the property to build and be a good neighbor.

    Many people think the building is on Elm Street, but it is not.

    I don’t understand why the Village Boards are determined to push this project through without looking at it with an open mind. The ZBA, against advice from their own council, pushed through an approval so work can begin again.

    It was clear from the start that the Planning Board was going to approve this project despite clear evidence that their own village codes would be broken.

    I hate to be suspicious, but it does make you wonder. What is actually going on?

    Rachel Berlin
