A vote for Lugene Maher

| 21 Feb 2022 | 01:23

    Dear Editor,

    Lugene Maher would be an excellent addition to the Village of Warwick board. She is an independent thinker, has an eye for detail, and is a strong advocate for the community. As a trustee, I have insight into the skills and personality well suited for the job. Lugene is the best choice, and I’m proud to endorse her candidacy.

    When she’s presented before the board, Lugene has impressed me with her ability to articulate complex ideas. She is intelligent and an adept researcher. She poses good questions, offers thoughtful suggestions, and considers all sides of an issue. Her diplomatic demeanor and curious nature will serve her well on the board and in interactions with residents and business owners. As a legislator, Lugene will be transparent and accountable to constituents in her words and her actions.

    Although there is a learning curve to this position, Lugene is a quick study and is prepared to help solve the long-term issues of the village, a place she has called home for the past 38 years. She also understands that the primary functions of trustees are to enact policy and provide fiscal oversight on behalf of taxpayers. Given her extensive professional experience and background, I trust she would perform these duties responsibly and effectively.

    I look forward to voting for Lugene Maher on Tuesday, March 15, and believe village residents would come to feel proud that they did the same. The polling location is at the Goodwill Hook & Ladder Company at 25 Church Street Ext. The polls are open from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m.

    Trustee Corey Bachman

    Village of Warwick