A time for a change

| 18 Oct 2021 | 02:11

    The approaching town election presents an opportunity to bring balance to representative democracy here in Warwick.

    For over twenty years the entire Warwick Town Council has been one hundred percent populated with and representative of only one political party. Yet, the town of Warwick is composed of a diverse population of Democrat, Republican and independent voters, all who have come here to live and work and have created a wholesome family environment for young and old alike...something we should be proud of.

    It is the people of Warwick - all of us, who have developed and created the life- blood of this wonderful place we proudly call our home. The dedicated professionals we depend upon...our teachers, police force, EMT workers, fire personnel, DPW workers etc. and yes, politicians, have tirelessly served this thriving community.

    It’s time to see our diversity reflected in our Town Council, so that it truly represents all of us.

    Vote Row A on Nov. 2 for Steve Rubin, Greg Galluccio for Town Council and Jennifer Echevarria for Town Justice.

    Joe DiGregorio
