In support of Kurt Emmerich for Warwick Town Board

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:03

    I am writing to endorse Kurt Emmerich, Democratic candidate for Warwick Town Board. It has been my pleasure to know Mr. Emmerich rather intimately for the past nine years. Kurt and I are music partners and we have performed at many venues in and around Warwick for most of those nine years. During this time, Kurt has shown himself to be extremely honest, fair and forthcoming. But there are more elements to Mr. Emmerich that make him ideally suited for a seat on the Town Board. I have always been amazed that, wherever we go, Kurt always seems to know just about everybody. They are constantly coming up to say hello, and Kurt always stops to speak with them. Whether they be Republican or Democrat, Kurt is always eager to engage them, and is genuinely interested in their points of view. He is a life-long Warwick resident and he sincerely loves his hometown. He is constantly on the lookout for ways to give back to the community he cherishes. His service as president of the Warwick Valley School Board is only one of many ways he has contributed over the years. One final point: At times it can be frustrating for me to simply try and keep up with Kurt. It is no exaggeration for me to say that he is the most energetic man I have ever known. A virtual dynamo of energy, he accomplishes great tasks in an incredibly short amount of time, tasks that would take most of us weeks and weeks - if we would take them on at all. I cannot imagine a man or a woman more suited to sit on the Warwick Town Board. Smart, honest, fair, sincere and possessed with boundless energy. How often does a political candidate come along who possesses all of those qualities? James Weatherstone Warwick