Diana promised us he'd never sell Valley View

| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:56

    To the Editor: As a resident of Valley View, I feel it beyond the realm of decency for a county executive to lie to the most vulnerable people in society and their families. Since 2003, Mr. Diana has proclaimed that he has written letters and informed his legislatures that Valley View was too costly. Yet repeatedly, at Resident Council Meetings, he stood before us, the residents, and promised he would never sell, privatize, or close Valley View. But, at the same time, he hired a firm called Orange Administration Services (by the way, who is OAS) to deliberately make us financially unstable. I ask you, the public, some who have family members at Valley View, what kind of man is this, who has been working behind the backs of his own legislatures to close Valley View and displace 360 residents and add 420 workers on the unemployment rolls. Oh, and please don’t forget his new building...it is for the people. Ann-Marie Fitzpatrick Goshen