Benefit concert for little girl fighting tumor

| 15 Feb 2012 | 08:52

We are reaching out to you for help with a benefit concert we are planning for Grace Leva, a beautiful seven-year-old girl from Goshen. Grace was born a healthy, active girl enjoying things such as singing, dancing, sports, and playing with her friends. While she was a kindergartner at Scotchtown Avenue School, she became ill. After many doctors, tests, and hospital visits, she was diagnosed in March 2010 with a malignant brain tumor. She had surgery to remove the tumor, endured 31 radiation treatments, six cycles of chemotherapy, and numerous hospital stays for fevers and infection caused by her weakened immune system. Grace has been making amazing progress but still has a long recovery ahead of her. At the present time Grace is attending Blythedale Rehabilitation/School in Valhalla. She is facing another lengthy (but not risky) surgery this fall to help correct a facial palsy due to the tumor. With God's grace and Grace's determination and strength we are hoping that Grace will be back in the Goshen School District this winter! Grace is an inspiration to so many and has handled this illness with amazing courage and strength. We are a teen band from Goshen called The Sun Never Rises. When we became aware of Grace's illness — we wanted to do anything we could to help ease the struggle that Grace and her family have been enduring. We decided that a benefit concert to raise funds for the family would help with their medical expenses. This will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17, at Craigville Park. We will have face painting, bounce houses, games, food, and live music from local teen bands. We expect that there will be an extremely large crowd. Because we know what a wonderful community we live in, we are confident that everyone will help us make this day a great success for Grace and her family. We are asking for donations in the form of money, gift certificates, baskets for a tricky tray, products to raffle off, or your time and services. You may also set up a table to hand out information about your business or services for a $35 donation. Tables must have either an activity for the children or promotional products to give away. For more information or to make a donation, contact Tracy McClintock at 651-3050 or by email at tracymcclintock tracymcclintock Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, love, support, friendship, best wishes, and donations. For updated progress on Grace, visit "Prayers for Grace" on Facebook. Thank you, The Sun Never Rises Brandon Miller Kris Graesser Evan DenDanto Courtney King Sierra Nielsolowski Tracy McClintock