Ask a lawyer

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:58

    To the editor: Warwick voters, the upcoming election for Town Justice is of paramount importance to you. I recently had an unsettling experience of reading a letter from Richard Hull, praising Peter Barlet for his involvement with the Warwick Town Court. I have been a lawyer appearing in the town courts in Warwick almost every Tuesday night for the last 25 years. On not one occasion have I ever seen Richard Hull in the court room. How can he possibly express an opinion about the sound judgment, integrity and high intelligence ethic of a judge that he has never seen, to my knowledge, perform his job? Those of you who have not had the opportunity to view the performance of the two candidates in the courts and therefore have virtually no basis to judge them, I urge you to call a lawyer who has appeared in the Town or Village Courts of Warwick and ask their opinion as to which candidate best fits the future of the Warwick Court. Don’t let party labels be the sole indicator of the candidate for whom you should vote. Be informed, either go to court and watch both of these judges do their job or ask a lawyer, any lawyer, who has appeared in front of them for their opinion as to which judge should sit the next term for the Town of Warwick Court. Gregory G. Hoover Sr. Campbell Hall