A clean sweep of thanks
My name is Heather Storms and I am a Girl Scout. For my Gold Award, I did Operation Clean Sweep which I continued on April 30. I worked alongside Michael Johndrow, the co-chair, Dr. Ray Bryant, who is the school superintendent, and I had help from Mayor Michael Newhard and the Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton. Thank you for everyone who helped on that Saturday, like Mr. Woglom with the e-cycling, the Lions Club with the paper shredder and the pill drop - the new addition to Operation Clean Sweep. I also wanted to thank the sponsors that helped make my project a huge success: ShopRite, the Chamber of Commerce, the Tuscan Cafe and the Village and Town Departments of Public Works. I also wanted to say thank you to all of the volunteers who came out to clean the roads as well as those who participated in Adopt a Road. It was a big success. If anyone has a new project that they may help, please stop by the Chamber office and leave me a note, and I will see what you can do. Thanks again for helping me out with my project and I will be seeing and talking to you about Operation Clean Sweep April 2012! Heather Storms Warwick