Warwick Women in Black markthe 66th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing

| 15 Feb 2012 | 08:45

Warwick — Marking the 66th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, members of Warwick Women in Black and other groups stood on the corner of Lewis Park on Main Street in the warm summer rain last Saturday, Aug. 6. Many passers- by honked their approval or gave the thumbs up sign to the vigilers who stood holding signs which read, "No Nukes: Not for War: Not for "Peace,""and "Hiroshima: Never Again: Fukushima: Never Again," and one simply stating, "Peace." When asked the significance of the signs, one of the vigilers, Mary Makofske commented, "I feel very strongly that nuclear energy is unsafe, not only for the manufacture of weapons but also in domestic, peaceful uses. I believe we need to develop other alternatives such as wind and solar power to meet our energy needs." One of the organizers, Emily Boardman added: "It is very important that we remember the tragic results of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think we have overreached ourselves, thinking that we humans can harness nuclear energy, but the tsunami in Japan, resulting in the tragic events at the Fukushima nuclear reactor has shown us clearly that nature is really in charge." Holding a sign simply stating, "Peace," Patricia DeBruhl commented: "The financial crisis we are going through is clearly linked to not only tax breaks to the very wealthy but to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq which have cost us trillions of dollars, Many experts think that the presence of our forces in these countries has actually decreased our homeland security by creating an angry reaction and increased recruitment for terrorist groups. It is time to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan and Iraq, and put that money to use here where it is desperately needed by the people. " The Warwick Women in Black have been holding Vigils for Peace for the last nine years since before the U.S. led invasion of Iraq.