Warwick Valley School District installing new phone system

| 15 Feb 2012 | 11:33

    Internet-based network will add a telephone to every classroom WARWICK — The Warwick Valley School District is in the process of updating its phone system, with the changeover expected to be complete by mid-February. The district is replacing its digital phone system with an Internet-based network that adds a phone to every classroom. Cost savings The new Voice-over-Internet-Protocol system, commonly known as VoIP, is different than a traditional phone system. According to the district’s press release announcing the change, the system will use the district’s internal network rather than an outside phone company to route internal calls. This will eliminate the need for hundreds of traditional land lines and their recurring service fees. With its existing phone budget, the district was able to implement the new phone system with no increase to the school budget. Additionally, the new VoIP system will cost the district less to operate than the traditional telephone system. A specific figure was unavalable. Better security For the first time ever, every classroom in the district will have a telephone. In addition to improving building security, the new phone system will provide parents with greater access to their child’s teacher. It will also improve building intercom capabilities, allowing for announcements to be made over the phone system rather than the PA system, which is often hard to hear, and will enhance 911 reporting. Staff and office directory Two other big changes will be new extension numbers and an automated directory system. Although the main numbers of the district’s buildings (schools, district office, Pupil Personnel Services, Operations and Maintenance and Transportation) will not change, with the automated system callers will only need to remember one number - the district’s main number, 845-987-3000. The menu on the main line will provide callers with options to reach a specific extension, any of the five schools, the District Office, Pupil Personnel Services, Operations and Maintenance, Transportation or the automated staff directory. The voice recognition feature of the new automated staff directory will make it easy to find extensions for individual teachers and staff members. Callers will be able to simply state the name of the person they are trying to reach and the system will automatically connect the caller to the staff member’s extension or the teacher’s voice mail.