Warwick Rotary Club installs new officers

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:14

    WARWICK-A new slate of officers and directors was installed by the Warwick Valley Rotary Club at its annual installation dinner. The event was held at the Italian Villa restaurant in Warwick. After the invocation was given by Dr. Margaret Verhagen, scholarships were awarded to Luke Sattler, Eliza Mack and Rebecca Prial by the Scholarship Committee of Rosemary Cooper and Dominic Panebianco. Winner of the Rotarian of the Year award was Jim Aronson who performed outstanding service for the Club as Director of International Service. Rotary District Governor, Bridget Auer, officiated for the installation of officers and directors for the next fiscal year. The officers are: President Alan Fernandez, President Elect Ed Maddalena, Vice President Lynn Pike, Recording Secretary Paul Weirich, Corresponding Secretary Cathie Hunter, Treasurer Lisette Cuba and Assistant Treasurer/Presidential Advisor Nora Mercier. The Club Directors for the coming year are: Community Service Karen Thomas, Club Service Julie Harburger, International Service Jim Aronson, Vocational Service Greg Kein. This year marks the one-hundredth anniversary of Rotary which was founded in Chicago and has spread to every continent on Earth. The many Clubs serve their local communities and the world at large and are a major factor in the fight against Polio worldwide.