Warwick Rotarians and Interact CLub to provide holiday dinners

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:09

Students from Warwick Valley High Schoolís Interact Club have joined Warwick Rotarians in a project to provide Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for 25 Warwick families. Warwick Food Pantry Volunteer Michelle Carter had expressed the need for ìadoptionî of families and seniors living alone for the holidays. Members of the clubs quickly responded. The Rotary service club, consisting of local business and community leaders, annually donates funds to the Warwick, Greenwood Lake and Florida Food Pantries. Interact also conducts annual food drives and delivers items to the food pantry in Warwick and the Alamo in Pine Island. Symbolically showing the teamwork between Interact and Rotary are, left to right, Rotarian and School Superintendent Dr. Ray Bryant, Interact member Allison DiPalmer, Interact Advisor Janine Fogler and Tori Malin, Interact public relations.