Wanted: A few great women of achievement
Tribute to Women nominations are due Dec. 23 New Windsor Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson and YWCA Orange County are accepting nominations for the 2012 Orange County Tribute to Women of Achievement awards. Now in its 20th year, the Tribute awards honor women in Orange County who have made a difference to their community in their professional, personal, or school-based activities. Completed nomination forms are due to the selection committee for review by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 23, 2011. Forms are available online at www.girlscoutshh.org or by calling 561-8050, ext. 10 or by emailing tributead@ywca-orangecty.org. The nomination categories are: Arts (fine and performing arts, entertainment) Business (business, communications, self-employed, professionals, etc.) Health Care Human Services (profit or non-profit) Public Service (government, politics, military, civil service, etc.) Education (schools, colleges, organizations of formal education) Woman of the Future (women between the ages of 16-21 who live, work, or go to school in Orange County) Bobbie A. Lahey Memorial Award - Volunteer Services (non-salaried services to the community) More than 200 women from throughout Orange County have been recognized since the award’s inception. “We are so proud of the many talented and accomplished women who live and work in Orange County,” said Ginny Rizzo, 2012 Tribute to Women of Achievement committee chair and 2011 honoree. "We want to know their stories, celebrate their successes, and sing their praises for all to hear, so please make sure they’re nominated." The selection committee is composed of a diverse group of community leaders and past honorees not currently affiliated with the Tribute Steering Committee, Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, or YWCA Orange County. Past Tribute event chair, Tribute honoree, and local businesswoman Donna Cornell will chair the 2012 selection committee. Honorees will be recognized on May 9 at the annual Tribute dinner hosted at Anthony’s Pier 9 in New Windsor. We are so proud of the many talented and accomplished women who live and work in Orange County. We want to know their stories, celebrate their successes, and sing their praises for all to hear, so please make sure they’re nominated.” Ginny Rizzo, Tribute to Women of Achievement committee chair