Walking with purpose

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:58

More than 400 people came to show their support Sunday for those families in Orange County who live with autism. The second annual Autism Move-A-Thon in Orange County at Thomas Bull Memorial Park in Montgomery provided a fun day to the families, as well as dispensing valuable information to parents and caregivers. Last year, the move-a-thon raised more than $20,000 for families in Orange County. The money was distributed to families to purchase educational materials, attend conferences, or buy therapeutic materials for their children with autism or autism spectrum disorders. A percentage of the money was earmarked for a national autism organization. Last year, Unlocking Autism received funds. This year, the Autism Research Institute will benefit from the Move-A-Thon. The Move-A-Thon was presented through the Orange County Mental Health Association and Parents Run A.M.O.C., a grassroots organization formed by parents with children on the autistic spectrum. At left, Valentina Palladino, left, and Kathryn Hancharick carry the banner of autism. They both have siblings with an autism spectrum disorder. (Photos by Linda Smith Hancharick)