Walk for the cure

| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:42

    Join St. Anthony Community Hospital’s team in a 5K walk for juvenile diabetes research on Oct. 16 WARWICK — Take a short walk this Sunday to find a cure for Juvenile Diabetes. Everyone is invited to join Team St. Anthony for the annual Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 5K walk. This year’s event is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 16, at the Historic Race Track on Park Place in Goshen. Registration is at noon. Type 1 diabetes strikes children and adults suddenly, and can be fatal. Until a cure is found, people with type 1 diabetes have to test their blood sugar and give themselves multiple insulin injections or use a pump — every day of their lives. And even with that intensive care, insulin is not a cure for diabetes, nor does it prevent its eventual and devastating complications, which may include kidney failure, blindness, heart disease, stroke, and amputation. “By joining this team and 'walking for the cure,” said St. Anthony Community Hospital Certified Diabetes Educator Lourdes Braadt, “you have an opportunity to do something to support research that may eventually help to eradicate Juvenile Diabetes.” Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is the worldwide leader in funding research to cure type 1 diabetes, an auto-immune disease that strikes children and adults suddenly and lasts a lifetime. The foundation also is the leading funds-provider and advocate of type 1 diabetes science. Anyone interested in joining Team St. Anthony or donating to one of its walkers should go to: www.walk.jdrf.org The Diabetes Center at St. Anthony Community Hospital offers a series of classes for all patients who have been recently diagnosed with diabetes or those who demonstrate poorly controlled diets. During group or individual sessions, the clinical instructors offer initial assessment, emotional support and will seek to help patients achieve a better understanding of the disease. They will show their patients how to live a normal and productive life with diabetes and how to control the disease through diet and exercise. Essential information Anyone interested in joining Team St. Anthony or donating to one of its walkers should go to www.walk.jdrf.org Additional information about St. Anthony Community Hospital, Mount Alverno Center, Schervier Pavilion and Day-At-A-Time is available on the Web at: bschs.bonsecours.com