Village reduces water leaks by 200,000 gallons per day
Trustees also enact local law for peace and good order, By Birgit Bogler Warwick - Last July, Village of Warwick trustee Barry Cheney reported the results of a leak detection survey, which identified 12 areas leaking as much as 240,000 gallons of water per day. New estimates indicate that the village was losing 208,800 gallons of water each day. At the regular meeting of the board on Aug. 1, Cheney provided an update that during the last year, the village repaired 10 of its leaks. “We’re still losing approximately 4,000 gallons of water per day,” said Cheney, who worked with the Orange County Water Authority on leak detection last summer. Although one leak turned out to be just noise detected by the survey equipment, Cheney is investigating one remaining leak in the area of West and John streets. The efforts will conserve more than 200,000 gallons of water per day. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the average American uses as much as 100 gallons of water per day, which means that the village is now saving enough water for 2,000 residents. Peace and good order The Village of Warwick now has its own local law for peace and good order, which includes trespassing, disorderly conduct and mischief. Not only does the law pertain to public buildings, but also to bodies of water. Village of Warwick Mayor Michael Newhard wanted the law to help the village keep its waterways clean. Those found guilty of violating the new law face a fine of up to $2,500, 90 days imprisonment, or both. Violators may also be required to perform up to 250 hours of community service. The law, which the village adapted from the town code, allows the village to penalize those who knowingly enter and remain unlawfully on municipal property, or engage in violence, make unreasonable noise, use abusive or obscene language and gestures, disturb lawful assembly, obstruct pedestrians or vehicles, among others. The law also allows the village to penalize not only those who litter along village roadways but also into its bodies of water. Barnyard animals discussion continues More than a dozen residents came to Village Hall on Monday night Aug. 1 for the continuation of the public hearing to allow the board to change the 1976 local law that prohibits keeping fowl, rabbits and pigeons in the village. Since June 18, the mayor has received nine letters opposing a change to the law and only one in support of it. “We are not making a decision tonight,” said Newhard, who closed the public hearing. “Sometimes we can’t do everything we want in our backyard,” said the mayor, who suggested Raphael Cox make other plans for his summer. Back in May Cox petitioned the board to allow him to work with the Cornell Cooperative Extension office in Middletown on a pilot program for chickens starting this summer. “We need to have neighbors on board and respect their rights,” said the mayor, who received three letters from Cox’s immediate neighbors opposing a change to the law. The board did not indicate if or when it would consider the motion that would allow a pilot program. In other news: The board authorized payment of bills totaling $62,395.26 In a 3-1 vote, the board hired Timothy Palmer as a seasonal laborer for 24 hours each week for ten weeks. Trustee George McManus voted nay, saying that amount of hours was unfair given the recent cutbacks in staff. Palmer had been laid off. Citing safety and liability concerns, the board voted unanimously to deny permission to Music in the Courtyard to close three parking spaces on Railroad Avenue to accommodate extra seating. Trustee Barry Cheney will work on a solar energy policy for the village including its historic district. The board adjourned a public hearing about the parking of large vehicles to Sept. 6 at 7:30. The next regular meeting of the board will be held on Monday, Aug. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in Warwick Village Hall, 77 Main St.