Town budget increases $1.4 million; slight hike for taxpayers

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:17

    WARWICK-Residents throughout the Town of Warwick will pay higher taxes during the 2005 fiscal year, although the increase will be small. The Town Board presented its preliminary budget to the taxpayers, holding a public hearing last night. The board is expected to approve the nearly $13 million spending plan next month. Village residents will pay $4.82 per $1000 of assessed value, up 13 cents, or 2.7 percent from last year. An owner of home with a value of $200,000 will pay an additional $6 to the town or $241. Town residents outside of the village are looking at a town tax rate of $12.90 per thousand, up 32 cents or 2.5 percent from last year's rate. The owner of a $200,000 home will pay $16 more than last year or $645. All town residents will chip in for the Purchase of Development Rights funding, costing about $25 for the average $200,000 home owner. Fringe benefits for town employees are budgeted for nearly $800,000, up $104,000 from last year's budget. From 2003 to 2004, that item jumped $160,000. Police fringes are estimated at $1.15 million, up $151,000 from last year's budget. Special districts, which include water, ambulance and fire, recycling, Purchase of Development Rights, and lighting districts, total just over $10,000,000. Only residents within those districts pay for the services provided.