Think pink this month for breast cancer research
Warwick The organizations Think Pink and Jodi’s Drive have teamed up to fight breast cancer this year. Next Friday, Sept. 23, it’s “Think Pink” at the Warwick Valley varsity football game. And everyone is invited at 7 p.m. “We have all been affected by breast cancer,” said Kim Corcum, chairperson of the event. “Many of us have had a mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, friend or a friend’s family member affected by this disease,” she added. “The scary thing is every year we hear of more people falling victim this disease. Plus they are often younger. And men have also fallen victim to this disease. So please join the fight to help find a cure.” On Sept. 23, everyone in Warwick is urged to wear pink or tie a pink ribbon outside his or her business, on a tree or on a mailbox. Ribbons can be obtained for a small donation at Corwin’s Florist on Galloway Road. “Set up a fund raiser in your office or club,” suggested Corcum. A couple of weeks later, Oct. 10, is the “Kick Off” for Jodi’s Drive Golf Outing at the Warwick County Club, also in support of breast cancer research. “Get a team together, come have dinner, sponsor a tee or help us spread the word, and remember to make your mammogram appointment today, “ added Corcum. Find out more All proceeds from the golf outing will be given to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the Warwick Valley Council of PTA’s Scholarship in Memory of Jodi Denmead. The scholarship is awarded annually to a Warwick Valley High School graduating senior who embodies the spirit of Jodi’s commitment to volunteering and community service. To donate or to participate call Kim Corkum at 494 6988.