Step by step, hospital's expansion plans move ahead
WARWICK-The Village Board has granted its approval for a special use permit for St. Anthony Community Hospital’s proposed expansion, as well as a negative declaration for the project. Now hospital officials may go to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board for site plan approval, according to Mayor Michael Newhard. The hospital is requesting approval to build a 10,500-square foot addition adjacent to Maple Avenue. The new construction, which already has approval from the Architectural Review Board, will house 19 same-day surgery bays and two endoscopy suites. In addition, the plan calls for doubling the size of the Emergency Room, as well as raising the height of the canopy near the ER. Many ambulances are SUVs and sit higher than traditional ambulances. They can no longer fit under the canopy that is on the building now. The board closed its public hearing last month on the hospital’s plan. The parking facility at Mt. Alverno will be enlarged and used by employees during the day shift. A plan for shuttle busses to transport employees back to the hospital is also being considered. Much shifting around inside the hospital is necessary to accommodate the proposed changes. There will be changes to the lobby, the cafeteria will move to the lower level, and the lab will be restructured as well.