Warwick. Warwick Valley High School male Student–Athlete of the Week: Logan Hurd

Senior student–athlete standout Logan Hurd has been selected as the Warwick Valley High School Student–Athlete of the Week under the program sponsored by the Bill Garcia Allstate Insurance Agency.
Logan will attend Cortland State in the fall, majoring in physical education and coaching.
Logan carries an 87 overall average and is a two-sport captain in baseball and football. He was recently selected to the All Section Football Team and his extra inning triple versus Washingtonville in the baseball game was the difference for the Wildcats in their home win.
He is a NYSPHSAA Scholar–Athlete and 1000 LB Club Member (Strength Team).
Logan is the son of Brian and Karen Hurd of Warwick. His brother Justin is an exceptional two-sport athlete and sister Addison is a third grader at Sanfordville Elementary.