Warwick boys show their hands on HBO

WARWICK -HBO recently invaded the LoForese home and filmed nine Warwick Valley High School students playing poker as part of a feature for its "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" program that will air on Monday night, May 23. The show entitled "The poker craze sweeping young America," will air at 9 p.m. The boys that will appear on the show are: John LoForese, Thomas LoForese, Brendan Henne, Steven Krell, Tom Fone, Lucas Paez, Brent Hill, Steven Florkiewicz and Ryan Florkiewicz. This group was selected to film after one of boys' aunt, who works for HBO, mentioned their weekly gathering to the show's producer when they were looking young for talent to film. The boys are all high honor roll students and participate on many sports teams, including spring track "It's neat for us parents," said Betty LoForese, mother of John and Thomas. "We get to keep an eye on them." In this Real Sports segment, reporter Armen Keteyian examines the poker craze that has been sweeping the nation and explores its potential effects on the youth of America. In recent years, the popularity of Texas Hold Em poker has grown by leaps and bounds and is no longer limited to casinos or small Saturday night get-togethers. Poker tournaments have found a home in prime time on national cable TV and would-be card sharks are now flooding the Internet to compete in on-line games.