More than 100 Wildcats honored at WVHS’s athletic award ceremony
WARWICK — The Warwick Valley High School Athletic Department recently presented 113 awards and scholarships to more than 100 student-athletes who competed for the school during the 2016-17 school year at the annual awards banquet and ceremony.
• Greer Liguori, a standout in track and basketball, was presented with the Peg Hill Lattimer Award for Outstanding Female Athlete.
• Ryan Ferro, the outstanding wrestler and football player, was presented with the C. Ashley Morgan Award for Outstanding Male Athlete.
Here is the list of all 113 award winners:
Fall Outstanding Cheerleader Award: Maeve McKenna
Fall Cheer Spirit Award: Nicolette Barbera
Boys Soccer Leadership Award: Andrew Lasso
Boys Soccer Most Improved: Tyler Arnold
Boys Soccer MVP: Sam LaTorre
Girls Soccer Most Improved: Shannon Selvaggio
Girls Soccer Coach’s Award: Gabriela Gamory
Girls Soccer MVP: Catherine Smith
Boys Cross Country Most Improved: Thomas Gardiner
Boys Cross Country Coach’s Award for Dedication: Thomas Nafash
Boys Cross Country MVP: Behailu Bekele-Arcuri
Girls Cross Country Most Improved: Genevieve Reilly
Girls Cross Country Coach’s Award for Dedication: Danielle Bartolotta
Girls Cross Country MVP: Jennifer Prial
Girls Swim Most Dedicated: Aislinn Mohyla
Girls Swim Most Improved: Meghan Brockunier
Girls Swim MVP: Emma Davis
Girls Diving MVP: Amanda McGraw
Volleyball Sportsmanship Award: Demi Herasme
Volleyball Will to Win Award: Madison Parrelli
Volleyball Defensive Player of the Year Award: Jenna Nicoletti
Girls Tennis Most Improved: Bailey Greco
Girls Tennis Coach’s Award: Victoria Smith
Girls Tennis MVP: Ava Ghobadian
Girls Tennis MVP: Jacqueline Grundfast
Football Outstanding Player: Ryan Ferro
Football Outstanding Offensive Player: Gene Decker
Football Outstanding Defensive Player: Brody Jo Ryan
Football Outstanding Lineman: Brendan Egan
Winter Cheerleading Coach’s Award: Shannon Hayden
Winter Cheerleading Overall Performance Award: Valerie Cruz
Boys Basketball Vito Magdelinskas: Richard Vreeland
Boys Basketball Mr. Basketball: Gene Decker
Boys Basketball MVP: Connor Perez
Girls Basketball Most Improved: Sarah Lennon
Girls Basketball Fran Higgins Award: Lauren Desrats
Girls Basketball MVP: Greer Liguori
Boys Swim Most Improved: Jack Leahey
Boys Swim Most Dedicated: Gregory Knob
Boys Swim Outstanding Swimmer: Lee Emmerich
Boys Swim MVP: Christopher Sommer
Boys Skiing Most Improved: Travis Gerhardt
Boys Skiing Coach’s Award: Matthew Hansen
Boys Skiing MVP: Jack Pennington
Girls Skiing Most Improved: Julia Priebke
Girls Skiing Coach’s Award: Simone Sullivan
Girls Skiing MVP: Caroline Huey
Boys Indoor Track Coach’s Award: Isaac Heatley
Boys Indoor Track MVP: Thomas Gardiner
Boys Indoor Field MVP: Kesigh Deloatch
Girls Indoor Track Coach’s Award: Jessica Pinelli
Girls Indoor Track MVP: Penny Greibesland
Girls Indoor Field MVP: Kaeli Thompson
Wrestling Most Improved: Drew Greco
Wrestling Coach’s Award: Lucas Wightman
Wrestling Most Outstanding: Ryan Ferro
Boys Golf Coach’s Award: Ian Stirt
Boys Golf Will to Win: Keith Delehanty
Girls Golf Most Improved: Maura Nelsen
Girls Golf MVP: Juliet Lepre
Boys Outdoor Track Leadership: Jason Nafash
Boys Outdoor Track Coach’s Award: Daniel Lindstrom
George Large/Robert Kennedy Memorial Award for Outstanding Dedication to Track: Thomas Gardiner
Boys Outdoor Track MVP: Dennis Van Dunk
Boys Outdoor Field MVP: Kesigh Deloatch
Girls Outdoor Track Leadership: Danielle Bartolotta
Girls Outdoor Track Coach’s Award: Demi Herasme
Karen Morgiewicz Award for Outstanding Dedication to Track: Jennifer Prial
Girls Outdoor Track MVP: Greer Liguori
Girls Outdoor Field MVP: Kaeli Thompson
Mr. Baseball: Dennis Houlihan
The Gerry Marshall Baseball Coach’s Award: Matthew VanderPlaat
Baseball Defensive MVP: Jack Todd
Baseball MVP: Colin Weinert
Softball Most Dedicated: Gabriella Calandra
Softball Will to Win: Kaylyn Kantor
Softball Unsung Hero: Shannon McNally
Boys Tennis Will to Win: Anthony Gray
Boys Tennis MVP: Pearse Algiere
Boys Tennis MVP: Dean Redmond
Boys Lacrosse Most Improved: Kyle Rooney
Boys Lacrosse Coach’s Award: Aiden Forman
Boys Lacrosse MVP: Sean Walter
Ms. Wildcat Lacrosse: Shannon Appelquist
Girls Lacrosse Coach’s Award: Brogan Dineen
Girls Lacrosse MVP: Maggee Sheridan
Boys Crew Most Improved: Brendan Hallinan
Boys Crew Coach’s Award: William Duma
Boys Crew Most Valuable Rower: Benjamin Zakzewski
Girls Crew Most Improved: Eve Hammerle
Girls Crew Coach’s Award: Anne Demetroules
Girls Crew Most Valuable Rower: Kira Poulson
Perrotta Scholarship (Outstanding Student Athlete): Kacey Sheridan
Dick Lombardi Memorial Golf Award: Juliet Lepre
Dick Lombardi Memorial Golf Award: Keith Delehanty
Richard Gerrity Memorial Athletic Award: Dennis Houlihan
Nicholas Papaceno Memorial Athletic Award: Jennifer Prial
Kevin Kless Scholarship: Juliet Lepre
Anthony C. Quinn Memorial Scholarship: Gregory Knob
Football/Wrestling Unsung Hero Scholarship (Presented by The Monahan Family): Ryan Ferro
Warwick Soccer Club Scholarship in memory of Stephen G. Harrell : William Duma
Warwick Soccer Club Scholarship in memory of Robin Desrats: Olivia Astorino
Most Dedicated Male Athlete: Gene Decker
Christina Ginley Most Dedicated Female Athlete: Jennifer Prial
Will To Win Male Athlete of the Year: Kyle LeDuc
Will To Win Female Athlete of the Year: Demi Herasme
Boys Outstanding Competitor: David Ghiloni
Girls Outstanding Competitor: Penny Greibesland
Boys Most Valuable Performer: Kesigh Deloatch
Girls Most Valuable Performer: Maggee Sheridan
C. Ashley Morgan Award for Outstanding Male Athlete: Ryan Ferro
Peg Hill Lattimer Award for Outstanding Female Athlete: Greer Liguori