96 students named student athlete award winners
Ninety-six student athletes at Monroe-Woodbury High School have been awarded the prestigious New York High School Athletic Association Scholar/Athlete Team Award for achieving "Academic Excellence" while actively participating in Varsity Level Interscholastic Athletics during the Winter 2004-05 season. The student athletes will be honored at the Monroe-Woodbury High School Athletic Club's Spring Senior Awards Dinner this June, when they will receive the New York State High School Association Scholar/Athlete Team Awards Pins. The student athletes are: BOYS SWIMMING & DIVING Brian Flannery Brett Rothstein Michael Shoiock John Beyer Steven Manganelli Benjamin Elliott Michael Chizhov Zachary Woods Peter Nastasi Walter Martin Thomas Dunne Michael Gale Kramer Jakubek Joseph Lofstedt Alex Wurzel GIRLS BASKETBALL Kelli Gassert Sara Haugli Stephanie Buyea Meaghan McGugart Cheryl Kwinn Jessica Troiano Erin Adams Mandy Albers Lauren Alberti BOYS ICE HOCKEY William Smith John Giametta Brian Lifvergren Mark Denega Brendan McFarland Matthew Connolly Kevin Donovan Michael Lifvergren GIRLS INDOOR TRACK & FIELD Candace Ishmael Ran Tao Caitlin Carr Melanie Harris Katherine Glover Corrine Fischer Deborah Vitanza Deirdre Jayko Estefanya Palacio Andrea Fugazot Jessica Grupp Katharine McWilliams Dianna Coscette Kelly Way Alexandra Slender Katharine Binder Amanda Wheat Dana Waschitz Kayleigh O'Neill Ashley Mesler Kavita Singh Kristi McConnell Shannon DeNoia Amanda Martini Lauren Mayer Kathleen Nagengast Hillary Ovsak Jenna Eckerle Joanne Smith Jamie Hefter Kristine Bonilla WRESTLING Brian Lucking Sean Culver Ari Pollan Douglas Christensen Andrew Franco Erik Braghirol Karl Ehlers Joseph Wilson Thomas Beyer Alex Wisnewski BOYS INDOOR TRACK & FIELD Jason Gardellis Stephen McCarron Michael Kadnar Andrew Chun Philip Martini Justin Gold Bryan Getz Daniel Waters Daniel Paladino Rory O'Connor Dillon McDowell Patrick Smyth Richard Callan MinTu Garrett Doering Thomas Zarnoch Thomas Lapolla Brian O'Neill Bryan Lasky Timothy Hourihan Andrew Way Michael Lucking Zackary Hipsman