On Oct. 16, celebrate the anniversary of Sustainable Warwick's 10% Energy challenge
Warwick On Sunday, Oct. 16, from 1 to 4 p.m., celebrate one year of Sustainable Warwick’s 10% Energy Challenge at the Warwick Community Center, 11 Hamilton Ave., with food, music, dance, qigong, children’s activities, a cooking demonstration, door prizes and tips on saving energy. Information about renewable energy, conservation, home energy assessments, and the Energize Warwick program will be available. WVT Communications has donated a $10,000 prize to the nonprofit organization that earns the most points through home energy assessments and home energy improvements. The event will also recognize the efforts of the original supporters of the 10% Challenge: the Town of Warwick; Villages of Warwick, Greenwood Lake and Florida; the Florida Public Library; the Albert Wisner Public Library; and the Warwick, Florida and Greenwood Lake school districts. The Warwick Community Center is the site of two recent Sustainable Warwick projects: the community garden and the fruit tree orchard planted by volunteers on Sept. 3. If weather permits, some of the activities will be held outdoors to take advantage of the beauty of autumn. Survey Sustainable Warwick is currently surveying residents, businesses, and nonprofits on their energy saving strategies. 10% Challenge online surveys are available at www.sustainablewarwick.org, and paper copies can be found at the town and three village halls and at the Florida and Wisner libraries.