Matthew Hoverman, son of Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Hoverman of Warwick, received a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Richmond. Hoverman, who majored in environmental studies, is employed by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Liesje Ann Kraai has graduate with honors from the University of the Arts, Philadelphia, Pa. with a bachelor of arts degree in animation. She is the daughter of Fritz and Stacy Kraai of Warwick and is a 2000 graduate of Warwick Valley High School. Michael P. Hoverman, son of Stephen and Nancy Hoverman of Warwick, has graduated from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, with a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy. A member of the men's tennis team, he spent the winter of his junior year studying in London. He is a Warwick Valley High School graduate. Tucker T. Nathans, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Nathans of Warwick, has been named to the honor roll at Salisbury School in Salisbury, Conn.