Mount Alverno Center will host diabetes program Nov. 21

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:15

Diabetes patient speaks out about taking control of the disease WARWICK — Mary Ellen Willen is not a medical professional but nevertheless, at 6:30 p.m. on Monday evening, Nov. 21, she will demonstrate her expertise with “Taking Control,” a talk on how to live with diabetes. The free program and discussion, open to the public, will be held in the Greenbrier Room at Mount Alverno Center, 20 Grand St., Warwick. Willen is a member of the sanofi-aventis A1C Champions Program, a patient-led approach to diabetes education. A1C Champions know first-hand the challenges and obstacles to maintaining control of their diabetes. They share self-management and lifestyle strategies based on extensive training and their personal experience with diabetes. “You are not alone on your journey with diabetes,” Willen said in the press release announcing her program at the Mount Alverno Center. “I have walked in your shoes. I have diabetes and I understand the challenges you face.” Willen, the first presenter in the hospital’s Diabetes in Check program, will cover many topics including overcoming fears surrounding diabetes, achieving good glucose control, developing a balanced and healthy lifestyle, finding resources for diabetes support and prioritizing diabetes management. The A1C Champions Program, sponsored by sanofi-aventis, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, is a patient-led approach to diabetes education. The company explains that patients who become A1C Champions know first-hand the challenges and obstacles to maintaining control of their diabetes. They share self-management and lifestyle strategies based on extensive training and their personal experience. Type 2 diabetes Willen was expecting her third child in 1989 when she learned that she had gestational diabetes. “I didn’t feel too badly,” she said, “because I was told it would go away after my baby was born.” But it didn’t go away. Like both her parents and other relatives before her, Willen had Type 2 diabetes. And she had picked up many misconceptions about the disease from those same relatives. However she soon learned that controlling diabetes is possible and relatively painless. To help others take better control of their condition, Willen became an A1C Champion in September 2006. “It’s so wonderful to see the expression on someone’s face when they understand that they have been given the tools they can use to take control,” she said. Essential information Seating for the Nov. 21 event, “Taking Control,” is limited; reserve a place by calling Lourdes Braadt at 845-987-5168. Mount Alverno Center is about one-quarter-mile past St. Anthony Community Hospital and there is ample parking space. Additional information about St. Anthony Community Hospital, Mount Alverno Center and Schervier Pavilion is available on the Web at: