Mayor: The problem has been dealt with directly and without hesitation'
To the editor: About a month ago I received a concern about the village's action surrounding the leasing of trucks for our Department of Public Works which was discussed at a Village Board meeting. I immediately reviewed our actions regarding the leasing and discovered that the leases may have been entered into erroneously. I immediately called the New York State Comptroller's Office for an opinion regarding the state bid process for municipal leases because the village never before leased trucks, as they were normally bought from the pre-bid state list. The state list does not offer a lease program. The board used the state bid costs for these vehicles and believed that if we matched the State pre-bid prices, which we did, we would not have to go out for further bidding for the leased vehicles. Further question of conflict of interest was brought to our attention regarding the leasing of these vehicles and one of our board members. The conflict question was referred to the Village Board of Ethics for an opinion. The Village Board is made up of members that I believe are compassionate, concerned and, above all, human and honest. The problem was brought to our attention and has been dealt with directly and without hesitation. Michael Newhard Mayor Village of Warwick