WVSD summer sports physicals to be held Aug. 3
WARWICK — Summer Sports Physicals will be held on Thursday, Aug. 3, beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the High School Nurse’s Office.
• You must call before Aug. 3 to schedule an appointment.
Call 845-987-3050 ext. 12710.
• Walk-ins will be added to the bottom of the list.
• Please have your parent complete the Health History Form (page 2 of the Sports Physical form) and return it to the nurse’s office before Aug. 3.
• You must email the completed Health History Form to madams@wvcsd.org before Aug. 3 because the Health History must be reviewed before the day of the exam.
• You can also drop off the form before Aug. 3 in the High School Nurse’s office Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., or in the High School Main Office: attention Maggie Adams, RN.
• If the Health history is not complete on the day of the physical, you must be accompanied by your parent.