Workings of farms and minds fascinate Sean Parkinson
Community and academics both engage him.

WVCSD Superintendent’s Spotlight: Sean ParkinsonApril 28, 2022
WVHS senior and National Honor Society member Sean Parkinson says he has always prioritized academics, and it shows. He has achieved Summa Cum Laude Honor Roll status for both of the first two marking periods this year. But, his focus on classes doesn’t mean that Sean has kept himself holed up for four years, with his nose in the books. To the contrary, he has been involved with numerous school clubs and activities, and has become very active in the Warwick community. It has all been part of a well-rounded, four-year journey that Sean says he’s glad to have “made the best of.”
Rather than coast on his record of accomplishments during his senior year, Sean chose to continue challenging himself, and is currently taking two AP courses, along with University 2 Spanish, and performing with the Chamber Strings, WVHS’s honors orchestra. As impressive as that is, Sean insists that he “took it a little lighter” this year, and added that his schedule last year was made up entirely of AP and honors courses.
Sean said his favorite subjects are psychology and Spanish, and Sean is planning to study the former in college.
“The idea behind learning each other’s behavior is so fascinating, and I’m excited to be able to explore that more,” he said. “Spanish is my other favorite because the teachers have always created such an engaging environment!”
It was during his freshman year that Sean got involved with the leadership program Future Farmers of America (FFA), after being introduced to the organization through the class Land, Food & People. Sean said that FFA has been one of the highlights of his high school career.
Through FFA, Sean has taken advantage of unique opportunities to meet fellow members from across the US, participate in county fair showcases, and get involved with farmers markets. He has also competed in national FFA events, and has a growing medal count that includes a silver in Conduct of Chapter Meetings and a bronze in Nursery/Landscape.
This year, Sean competed in, and won, the FFA Substate Employment Skills competition, and will be representing WVHS FFA at the upcoming state convention in the same category.
“FFA has been such an amazing experience,” Sean said. “Employment skills is a competition where you go through a mock job interview process by creating a resume, cover letter, and doing an interview. It’s a great opportunity to prepare myself for the challenges that will appear in the real job market. I never thought I’d get first at both districts and substates, and now I’m super excited to compete in states in May.”
Sean shares his knowledge with other students by being the National Honor Society tutoring coordinator. Always with an eye toward the greater community, he is also active on the WVHS Student Senate. His civic involvement continues outside of the school too, and includes serving as a member of the Warwick Valley Community Center’s Youth Advisory Board, sponsored by the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports, the Orange County Youth Bureau, and the Office of Children and Family Services. The Youth Advisory Board gives young people opportunities to work together on their leadership skills in positive and creative ways that also enhance their community.