Warwick’s 9-11 anniversary ceremony held in Veterans Memorial Park

| 12 Sep 2017 | 03:44

By Roger Gavan
— With clear blue skies, Monday, September 11, was a day very much like that day sixteen years ago when terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners, all bound for California and loaded with fuel, to attack the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and an unknown target in Washington, D.C.
That last plan was foiled by the brave actions of the passengers on United Flight 93 out of Newark, which included Warwick resident Linda Gronlund, when it crashed in a western Pennsylvania field. .
On this September 11, at 6 p.m. Chief Jason Brasier of the Warwick Fire Department welcomed local residents, public officials, veterans and members of the Warwick Police, Ambulance Corps and Fire Departments, and others gathered in Veterans Memorial Park.
They were there to honor the victims of that attack, especially those who lived in Warwick.
This year’s ceremony was again conducted by members of the Warwick Volunteer Fire Department. Until last year members of American Legion Post 214 had conducted every annual 9-11 ceremony since the beginning.
The Warwick Valley Chorale and members of the choir at Warwick’s United Methodist Church then sang the National Anthem followed by WFD Chaplain Rev. Richard Marrano, parochial vicar of the RC Church of St. Stephen, the First Martyr, who gave the invocation.
State and local officials including Assemblyman Karl Brabenec, Town of Warwick Supervisor Michael Sweeton, Mayor Michael Newhard, Town of Warwick Justice Peter Barlet and Walt Parkinson, past commander of American Legion Post 214, all gave moving talks about their memories of that fateful day and their appreciation for the sacrifices of the first responders and the members of the military who are fighting against terrorism.
Newhard also reported that a seedling from the famous Callery Pear Tree at the site of the World Trade Center, known as “The Survivor Tree,” had been planted this June in Veterans Memorial Park just to the right of the monument.
During the ceremony everyone stood silently, heads bowed as Brasier read of the names of the local residents who perished in the attacks. Past Chief Frank Fotino struck a ceremonial bell for each victim. And then representatives of the Police Department, Fire Department and Ambulance Corps laid a wreath at the Warwick Citizens World Trade Center Memorial.
The ceremony concluded with the choir singing" God Bless America," Marrano offering a closing prayer and Zack Bauman, a member of the Warwick Valley High School Band, playing Taps.
Shortly afterwards, the crowd dispersed in silence.