Warwick Story Share does it again

Warwick. Another Story Share will take place this fall.

| 10 Jun 2024 | 01:45

On May 30, We The People Warwick (WTPW) presented Warwick Story Share (WSS) 5 at the Buckbee Center and once again a packed house of Warwickians got to hear a variety of five-minute “story nuggets” — brief accounts of real things that happened to the story tellers and left a mark, a memory, that is still with them.

According to WTPW, there were stories of all kinds — spanning funny, quirky coincidences, big secrets and little white lies, eye-opening journeys and heart-opening experiences, childhood turning points, and more.

Allen Clarkson, one of the evening’s storytellers, may have summed things up best when he thanked WTPW “for creating such an atmosphere of community. The feeling of being together and appreciating each other was palpable.” WTPW also shared these other comments as well: “I love hearing about people I know, but don’t know very well;” “Cried!! Stories so moving! Great connection to community.”

The evening started with the stories and then continued as storytellers and listeners mingled over drinks and dessert. WTPW will be presenting Warwick Story Share #6 in the fall and twice a year after that until Warwick runs out of stories.

In the meantime, learn how We the People Warwick invites a different sort of story in the upcoming Dialogue Series where participants share their experiences, views and ideas and listen to one another. The four-session series will be offered this summer on Mondays July 1, 8, 15 and 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. online via Zoom to allow participants the flexibility to commit to joining even amidst travel and other activities. Go to wethepeoplewarwick.org/dialogue-series to learn more and sign up.